This may well be our Favorite Department of All! -RITGLLC Familia
"Whenever Anything makes you say things like:"
“A well-prepared delectable meal with great presentation and an interesting flavor I’ve never experienced before.”
“This was a meal that I can compare to ambrosia, the food of the gods. I’d highly recommend it to anyone.”
“This appetizing dish was prepared with great care and attention to detail. The presentation and the taste were both perfect.”
“A divine combination of different meat and vegetable elements came together to create this innovative dish.”
“This heavenly dish was lovingly prepared. A great deal of time was spent preparing this meal, and it was time well-spent.”
“This was without a doubt one of the most luscious dishes I’ve ever had the privilege of experiencing. I’d certainly eat it again.”
"You Know Palate has just Struck Gold!"