Select Draw Cutters
With a passion for fine cigars, Select Draw founders set out to create a product that would enhance all their smoking sessions. The result of their labor was the Select Draw Cigar Cutter—created for cigar enthusiasts by cigar enthusiasts.
If you are someone who understands the true value of a high-quality cutter, you’ll appreciate every aspect of this amazing product.
Using a proper cutter allows you to enjoy the true taste of your cigar, optimizing the flavor, smoothness, and intensity with extreme precision. With Select Draw, you can get a slow, medium, or full draw that is smoother and more enjoyable than you ever imagined possible.
Kick back, relax, and enjoy your favorite label in style! With the Select Draw Cigar Cutter, every cigar is a cigar worth savoring.
Meredith Waye
CEO, Artist, Designer
Helping You Build Your Respected Lifestyle
Respected In The Game, LLC is an International, Online Mall assisting businesses of almost every size and description gain their Respected presence(s) in the competitive marketplace(s) worldwide. By leasing digital storefronts in cumulative levels and allowing a business owner to control their desired stage(s) of success at a flexible and manageable pace. We also sell custom designed products supporting their continued successes and business endeavors in Life.
Meredith Waye/Antoine Chambers
"Stay Distinguished and Smoke the Best"
The Cigar Concierges, LLC has continually proven to be an industry leader for Distinguished, onsite, Cigar Lounge Services. With over 30 years of Cigar Lifestyle experience, our company is based on the true essence of the cigar blend and etiquette originally solidified in the earlier upscale practices. As a veteran owned and operated corporation our commitment to our client services is built into the DNA of our presentation and dedication to giving our customers the professional and personable ambience they expect from a licensed product leader in the industry.
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Tanya Lawrence
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